Tearoom Luncheons

Hypnosis Retreats/Shows

We all had a blast. The hypnosis show was great! —Marcella Short

I got hypnotized. It was a lot of fun. I love to watch the DVD they sent me.  –Shirley Cook

It was crazy and lots of fun! –Judy Cook

It was so much fun! I can’t wait to go again. The food was fantastic! –Mary Lou Jones

Very delightful outing with good friends and fun entertainment. — Peggy Moffitt

The food was awesome. Everyone should go see the hypnosis show. Cheri Hainline

I had so much fun! Laughed until I cried.  –Mary Ann Irving

The hypnosis was so hilarious! I laughed til I hurt! We all can’t wait to come back!  —Teresa Dixon

I didn’t have any expectations but was pleasantly surprised. You had the kids doing funny things without letting it get out of control. It was our first annual gathering at Springbrook Park and it made the night even better! I would definitely recommend you to others. —Mary Smith

The show was great and I enjoyed an evening with old friends. Can’t wait to go again –Sandy Vickroy